We all know that the build-up to exam season can be stressful and worrying, with a strong pressure for us to be prepared, perform well, and achieve the grades we need for next steps in our lives.
Whilst a certain amount of stress is vital for our motivation and focus, too much can interfere with our ability to perform as we would like to, so it is essential for us to think about how we can manage our stress most effectively.
Here are our top tips for managing exam stress this summer:
- Create your own revision plan
Break your revision down into key areas, subject by subject. Make a study timetable based on exam dates and remember to factor in regular breaks. It’s important to set realistic goals and maintain a balance of studying and downtime. Find a way of revising that best suits you, whether that’s flash cards, flowcharts or bullet-pointing key facts – do what works for you. - Always remember to get a good night’s sleep
Avoid cramming in late-night sessions and make sure you maintain a healthy, nutritious diet and exercise regime. - Avoid using caffeine and alcohol as a release or study aid
Research proves they create a new element of anxiety and affect your overall health and concentration. - Remember to pace yourself, have regular breaks and get a rest from screens
Do something you enjoy to relax and decompress and do not over-revise as this can be counterproductive. Stick to your timetable and remember to balance your work/life pattern. - Make sure you are kind to yourself
Do not place unnecessary pressure on yourself and always finish a revision session by thinking of the positives you have taken away. - Let others know if you are struggling
This is so important. Whether you can talk to a school teacher, a friend, a parent or guardian, never struggle in silence. People are here to help you or just to listen to your concerns and support you. - Reward yourself!
Having an identified reward can be a really good motivator to get you focused when you need to be and can provide a ‘light at the end of the tunnel.’
During the exam
- Take deep breaths, keeping a calm pattern throughout.
- Use all the time as best as you can, read, re-read and give yourself enough time for each question.
- Make sure you eat breakfast/lunch before the exam and drink plenty of water.
- Pre-prepare anything you need to take into the exam with you such as pens, pencils, calculator, etc. to avoid last minute panicking.
- Focus on you and believe in yourself. Concentrate on your breathing and the exam paper, try not to look around too much at how everyone else is doing.
- If you do feel overwhelmed at any point, take a moment to reset. You might find it helpful to notice what you can see, hear, smell, touch and taste as a way of giving your brain a short break from the intense concentration.
Advice for Parents
- Make sure your child is eating regularly and getting enough sleep.
- Be flexible with what you expect from them.
- Stay calm.
- Help them study.
- Avoid putting pressure on them.
- Talk about worries and anxieties.
- Share your own experiences of ways of coping with stress and worry.
- Make sure they get treats.
- Watch out for signs of stress – panic, sleeping difficulties, headaches, muscle tension, irritability and mood changes, along with new stomach issues, racing thoughts and exhaustion.
If you believe that you or your child is in need of some additional support, please get in touch with us here. Our expert therapists can provide excellent, proven techniques and aids to reduce and eliminate stress and anxiety.
Good luck to all of you taking exams this year, and remember to follow these key tips to reduce stress and worry.